Shri Radhe Maa ---The divine gaze

by Radhemaa
(India ,mumbai)

Pray as if you possess no will. Work as if everything depends on you.

Be contented with the things of the world.

Develop greed for God.Mamtamai Shri Radhe Maa.

Do not expect too much from the world. We are here to give not to take..

"Spiritual Practice involves being constantly aware".

Be contented with the things of the world. Develop greed for God.

Honor the one who clears a doubt as you would honor a guru.

Pray with a pure heart and pray from where you are. He will answer your prayers. There is no need to abandon the world or retreat to a jungle.
Speak sweetly, speak softly, love all.

He who practices sheel (virtue) and sayyam (self-restrain) attains to greatness.

Humility is more powerful than egoistic pride. Water is more powerful than the strongest cliff and Love is more powerful than might.

Know the one who wants nothing to be the wealthiest.

The true value of a gift is the thought behind the gifting.

Offering sincere service is the secret of acquiring all riches.

Controlling the tongue is the first step on the ladder of spirituality.

Cut the cords of attachment and expand the circle of love.

Address your prayers to the power that governs the universe and all your wishes will be granted.

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