Depression Help - In The Form Of Self-Help

Depression help starts with you.

Recently I saw a friend who has suffered from depression for many years. He got me thinking about how things could be different for him (or anyone suffering from depression).

Recently, in one short conversation (about 30 minutes) he made reference to "his depression" about every 5 minutes.

More and more, health care practitioners are realizing that depression help starts in the mind. But remember that great quote by Albert Einstein:

"We can't solve problems with the same kind of thinking that caused them".

So how do we change thinking to get depression help or, rather, thinking help?

If my friend (let's call him Bob) keeps taking ownership of "his depression" like he is, he won't get rid of it even if he wants to!

Let's talk now about two points I'd like to clarify, relative to healing depression.

#1 � Are you sure you really don't want to be depressed?

#2 � Rather than taking ownership of depression, take ownership of calm, serenity, anger, happiness, rage, or some other emotion.

Now, those are two pretty loaded points. Let's take them one at a time.

#1 � Are you sure you really don't want to be depressed?

I have a feeling Bob wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't depressed. Depression help starts with wanting to be free. He identifies with it so closely, he probably can't picture what life would be like if he felt happy, or some other positive emotion.

The first step in manifesting anylife change is always to identify what you don't want, then identify what you do want. I've never heard Bob say that he doesn't want to be depressed. In fact, it's a sort of a badge of honor. It makes him feel different and special.

Even more than that, he gets all sorts of special treatment and attention for it! (I wouldn't want to give that up either!) Bob gets people to take care of him, he comes and goes as he pleases, he doesn't work all the time. Everyone just says "Well, that's just Bob."

#2 � Rather than taking ownership of depression, take ownership of calm, serenity, anger, happiness, rage, or some other emotion.

Depression is an emotion of helplessness, of victimization. Bob talks about "his depression" like he talks about "his backpack" or "his shoes".

If you are stuck in a rut that feels like depression, even if someone else (like a professional) has told you that you have depression, step back from it. It doesn't have to be yours. You can experience something else.

Use different language to describe how you feel. If you have been in the habit of claiming depression as yours, shoot higher. If you really want to make a fast change, stop talking about depression all together. Resolve to make no mention of it whatsoever to another human being.

Next, when you catch yourself thinking about your self as a depressed person, claiming depression, say, "Stop" (to yourself is fine- no need to draw attention!) and be prepared with an alternative thought. This alternative thought could be a prayer or affirmation that you enjoy.

Natural healing from depression IS possible.

These two points are just a beginning. But if you practice them you will open doors that will be closed forever if you continue to claim depression as yours. Healing from depression is yours for the taking. Grab it! Read other depression help information here.

My personal escape from depression, and simple tips to enjoy natural depression healing.

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