Business Idea #4: For Alternative Therapies Professionals, a Good System Answers the question "How does a web site make money if it isn't selling anything?"

Alternative Therapies Practitioners' Business Idea #4

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The sort of Internet business I'm building doesn't require having lots of products to sell. In fact, most of my web site is made of free information.

I have a few ebooks on energy healing and spirituality and the Quantum Happiness eCourse but my primary work on this site is to write information about personal development, spiritual and energy healing, and other articles that interest my readers.

The main work here is to attract readers is to offer valuable information, for free, on topics that I'm already passionately interested in and enjoy writing about.

And other web site designers, using the exact system that I'm using, make money this way, too. A LOT of money.

So, with all this free information happening, where does the money come from?

I'm glad you asked!

Affiliate Programs

Another income stream that can benefit you as the owner of a web site is participation in affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs work very much like two businesses helping each other in the real world. If the owner of a sandwich shop has coupons on the counter for membership at a health club, and the health club owner tracks those coupons, giving the sandwich shop owner discounts on membership or other benefits (such as cash!), the sandwich shop owner is in the position of being an affiliate of the health club.

A chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist or other alternative therapies professional can send Internet traffic (visitors) to another web site as health and wellness products and receive payment for each purchase made.

You can continue to see your local clients while teaching your audience all over the world about what you do, and increase your local clientel by gaining the attention of people who live nearby, while taking advantage of the Google AdSense program or affiliate agreements to work with other businesses that work well with yours.

Now that is a business idea that I got excited about!

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